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10 Most Stunning Temples in Thailand and the History Behind Them (Part 1)

One trip to Thailand and you’ll soon discover one thing is prevalent – there’s a ton of temples, (or wats as they’re called in the Thai language) and they’re everywhere. Actually there’s more than 40,000 of them throughout the Land of Smiles to be exact. Seeing each temple in person would be an amazing adventure, however it would likely take years. Today I wanted to highlight my top 10 must see temples in Thailand and also examine the history which makes them unique.

Temples are Sacred for Good Reason

10 most stunning temples in Thailand and the history behind them

Before we dive into the top 10 must see temples in Thailand, let’s chat about why temples are so sacred in the first place. To do that we have to talk about Buddhism

Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand, in-fact more than 90% of the population in Thailand are Buddhist. Often described as a way of life, in addition to being a religion – Buddhist believe that human life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth but if one achieves a state of enlightenment or nirvana, it is possible to escape this cycle forever. The very first person to reach this state of enlightenment was and still is known as the Buddha. Buddhism is in-turn rooted in Buddha’s teachings. Thai people visit temples to meditate and commune with Buddha for help with everything from relationships, health and spiritual connection. 

In addition to temples being a place of worship, historically temples were used as hospitals. If a person was sick in times past, the first place they’d go was a temple to seek healing. Additionally, temples still serve as a residence for monks; which is man who has renounced worldly pursuits and commits themselves to spiritual life. 

No matter the reason for visiting temples in Thailand I do want to point out how important it is to be mindful of the dress code while there. Shoes must be removed before entering. On top of that, you must also be cognizant of how you’re dressed when visiting temples. It’s important to wear pants or clothing that fall below the knee and shirts or blouses must cover the shoulders (at minimum). Shirts must also conceal the stomach, cleavage and the male chest. It is considered deeply offensive and disrespectful in Thai culture to go against this standard. It is very hot in Thailand year round – so it’s easy to dress in a manner which keeps you cool; if you do find yourself in a position where you’re not dressed appropriately to visit temples, many of them offer shawls for purchase or to rent. 

#1 – Sanctuary of Truth

Now that we’ve covered why temples are so sacred in Thailand – let’s dive into my top 10 must see temples. Up first and in no particular order is the Sanctuary of Truth.

This modern day marvel is located in Pattaya City which is about a two hour drive south of Bangkok. This religious shrine is handmade entirely from wood and has been under construction since 1981. It’s still incomplete as of the year 2023 and may not be fully completed until the year 2025, at the earliest.

The sanctuary was the brainchild of Thai businessman, Mr. Lek Viriyaphan to tell a visual story about the philosophy of life through each immaculate statue and carving.

#2 – Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaram Rajwaramahawihan

The next temple on the list of the top 10 most stunning temples in Thailand is a mouthful to say and pronounce. Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaram Rajwaramahawiham or Wat Pho for short, takes up 80,000 square miles in the heart of Bangkok. The massive complex is home to six individual temples and houses the most images of Buddha in all of Thailand. Speaking of Buddha, I can’t forget the absolute jaw-dropping reclining Buddha. This gold-plated statue is a whopping 151 feet long and an absolute must see. 

Pro-Tip: there is a small entrance fee of 300 Baht (which is a little less than $9.00 USD). Additionally once inside you’ll likely be approached by tour guides who set their own individual prices. My personal opinion, Wat Pho is a massive temple complex and depending on your budget having a personal tour guide to walk you through it all just maybe worth it! 

#3 – Wat Arun

Wat Arun is located directly across from Wat Pho – the only thing that stands between the two temples is the Chao Phraya River. Don’t worry though, there are ferries which cost less than 100 BAHT ($2.85 USD)to carry you across. It’s a short albeit beautiful ride as well.

Wat Arun has been standing strong since at least the 16th century. I kid you not, this temple illuminates gorgeously at night – hence its’ nickname: The Temple of Dawn.

#4 – Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

You’ll have to leave the beautiful city of Bangkok and head to Chiang Mai for the next temple on the list of the top 10 most stunning temples in Thailand – Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. This temple is named after the mountain it sits upon. You’ll definitely need transportation to get here. There are many options to do so including Grab, Songthaew’s and tours a plenty.

Pro-Tip: Getting to Doi Suthep is just step one. You’ll need to then either walk up the 309 steps to the actual entrance of the temple or simply take the tram up.

Once you’re inside the temple, you won’t be disappointed. You’ll find gold-plated stupas, an emerald buddha and unbelievable views of the City of Chiang Mai.

#5 – Wat Rong Khun

About four hours outside of Chiang Mai you’ll find Wat Rong Khun or the immaculate White Temple. This temple is simply awe-inspiring and worth the drive. 

Wat Rong Khun was designed by artist Chaloemchai Khositphiphat to reflect visions of heaven, hell and nirvana. Even more so, the temple’s white color was meant to symbolize Buddha’s purity. Every statue has meaning and is symbolic of teachings and Buddhist philosophy.  


Wrapping Things Up … For Now

I could likely devote an entire article to each of the aforementioned temples. However I promised you 10 of the most stunning temples in Thailand and I want to deliver on that promise. Rounding out the remaining five are:

I dive more into each of these remaining five temples in part two of this article. In the meantime happy reading and traveling!

One response to “10 Most Stunning Temples in Thailand and the History Behind Them (Part 1)”

  1. […] Welcome to part 2 of the 10 Most Stunning Temples in Thailand and the History Behind Them. In part 1 I broke down the reason temples are so sacred in Thailand and to Thai people. I also went into greater detail about the first half of the most stunning temples in Thailand. Please feel free to read part 1 of this post here. […]

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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