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How to Choose the Right Style of Massage for Yourself

Receiving a massage or any type of bodywork can be one of the most healing and incredible experiences. However choosing the right type of massage can be daunting and even a little confusing. The good news is – it doesn’t have to be. Today I’m breaking each of the major styles of massage so you can ultimately choose which one is right for you. 

It All Begins with Swedish – Well … Kind Of

When most people think of massage, Swedish is the first thing that comes to mind. This style of massage was created in the 1830’s by a Swedish man, Pehr Henrik Ling. 

The goal of Swedish Massage is to cultivate deep relaxation and release muscle tension throughout the entire body by using fluid hand techniques such as effleurage, petrissage tapotement. 

Swedish Massage is performed on a massage table, where the client undresses to their comfort level and is securely draped under a sheet and blanket. Sessions can range from as little as 30 minutes to two hours – of course depending on the Licensed Massage Therapists’ offerings.  

Swedish Massage is typically the base or framework for most massage and bodywork. Common add-ons or derivatives of Swedish Massage can include the use of hot stones, aromatherapy and even deep tissue work to some degree. 

how to choose the right style of massage for you
how to choose the right type of massage for you

Swedish vs Deep Tissue

Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage may share a few things in common, (for example: the service is still delivered on a massage table, techniques such as effleurage and petrissage are still used in both) however the two are different. Swedish Massage is typically offered with light to somewhat firm pressure; Deep Tissue is completely the opposite. 

Deep Tissue is a modality that focuses on releasing knots and tension in deeper layers of muscle. Contrary to Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue involves applying firm, sustained pressure using slow and deep strokes to the body. LMT’s or Licensed Massage Therapists may use their elbows, fists, forearms or thumbs to apply targeted pressure to places of the clients body that are tight or knotted. 


Massage is So Much More Than Swedish

There’s an entire realm of bodywork and massage that exists outside of Swedish and Deep Tissue. I could probably spend hours discussing them all. For example, unlike Swedish and Deep Tissue some forms of massage are completed entirely without a massage table. That leads us to Thai Massage. 

Thai Massage is an ancient style of massage that originated in India and dates back to more than 2500 years ago. It incorporates passive yoga-like stretching, compression and acupressure to alleviate tightness and soreness. 

Unlike Swedish Massage, a Thai Massage is offered on a floor cushion, instead of a massage table and the client remains clothed throughout the session.

As a practitioner of Thai Massage, I’m a liiiiitle biased when it comes to Thai Massage. I think it’s an incredibility healing modality which everyone should receive at least once. You can read more about Thai Massage via my articles here.  

Sports Massage is another modality which focuses on stretching to tackle tightness and soreness. I like to think of Sports Massage as a sort of marriage between Deep Tissue and Stretching. Sports Massage uses Deep Tissue techniques and stretching to target specific areas of the body that are tight/sore.

how to choose the right style of massage for you
how to choose the right style of massage for you
how to choose the right style of massage for you

No Hands Necessary

Going even further beyond the realms of Swedish and Thai Massage – there are modalities of bodywork and massage that don’t require any or very little hands-on work at all. We’re talking energy work.

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. It is based on an Eastern belief that vital energy flows through your body. The Reiki practitioner uses gentle touch (or places their hands just above the clients’ body) to help guide this energy in a way that promotes balance and healing. 

Craniosacral Therapy is another form of alternative bodywork that uses gentle touch to manipulate the cranium or skull, parts of the pelvis, sacrum and spine to achieve a therapeutic result.

Last but definitely not least is Ashiatsu. You’ve likely seen photos of a therapist walking barefoot on a clients’ back while holding onto bars suspended from the ceiling – that’s Ashiatsu. This style of massage uses the therapists’ feet to push, pull and pump muscle tissue to relieve tightness and soreness. The controlled foot pressure allows for the effective treatment of scar tissue and myofasical muscle release.


how to choose the right massage for you
how to choose the right massage for you

The Choice is Yours

The world of bodywork and massage is limitless. However choosing which style of massage you need doesn’t have to be a daunting task. When choosing which style of massage you’d like – my best advice is to start by identifying your own personal goals from your session. Ask yourself questions like: do I want a relaxing session, or one that focuses on working out chronic pain? Do I want a session geared toward more stretching, or do I want a session with little, to no touch involved? Once those answers are clear you’ll be able to make the best decision for yourself. 

Pro-tip: don’t be afraid to ask questions or talk with your therapist about the specific goals you may have for your massage session. Talking through this one on one can also help you choose which modality or session would benefit you best. Hopefully the information in this article helps you to decipher and decide.

Best of luck on your healing journey! 

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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