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Feeling Disconnected – 5 Simple Ways to Reconnect to Self

Is it just me – or does it feel like life has been life-ing lately? In all seriousness though, life can be stressful and many times unexpectedly so. It’s easy to loose track of your own self-care routine when life gets chaotic. Today I’d like to share 5 simple ways to reconnect to yourself and stay grounded through life’s twists and turns.  

1. Yoga/Physical Exercise

If you’e an avid reader of my blog, this one should be a no-brainer. Yoga is my absolute hearts’ joy and I can’t express enough how many times this practice has helped heal my mental and physical state. YouTube is an amazing place to find tons of free Yoga. I personally love Yoga with Adrienne. Her classes are super approachable, beginner friendly and fun. 

If Yoga isn’t your thing, no need to worry. There are so many ways to move your body. From pilates, strength training, cardio or even swimming – the options are endless. Incorporate movement into your daily routine to help cultivate balance throughout your body and mind.

2. Meditate

Moving right on to the second way to reconnect to yourself when feeling disconnected – meditation. While meditation may seem overwhelming, it’s simply the practice of mindfulness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm or stable state. My two favorite apps for guided meditations are Calm and Headspace. Of course there are a wealth of meditation videos on YouTube. Check out one of my favorite beginner friendly meditation videos from Yoga Journal below.

3. Journal

Journaling is the third way I reconnect to myself when life gets stressful. I love writing and there’s something so relaxing about taking pencil to paper and getting my thoughts out. I like to leave a journal by my bedside and either journal first thing in the morning or before bed. I journal about anything that comes to mind, whether it be a stressful situation, or something amazing that happened throughout the day. Through it all, I’ve found that the process of writing down my thoughts as honestly and without judgement has allowed so much self-discovery. 

4. Get Out into Nature

Mother Nature is healing – short and simple. These days most people spend so much time behind computer desks or indoors. It’s easy to forget how powerful spending time outdoors with fresh air and sunshine is. I invite you to carve out at least 15 to 20 minutes of your day to take a short walk outside or at a park. If you find a grassy area try removing your shoes and walking barefoot. While this may seem weird or unusual – this practice is actually called ‘Earthing’. Multiple health benefits are tied to earthing including: improved mood, reduced stress and decreased fatigue. If you’re intrigued about Earthing feel free to read more about it here or check out the short video below.

5. Eat Nourishing Foods

When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed one of the first things I loose sight of is my diet – I know I can’t be the only one this happens to. As the saying goes you are what you eat. Foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and nuts are proven to give a mood boost.

Putting it All Together

Feeling disconnected - 5 simple ways to reconnect to self

Whether you choose to implement one or all five of these methods to reconnect to yourself – the most important step I hope that you take is to simply start. Cultivating balance within yourself takes time. Carve out 15 to 20 minutes of your day and try out on of the methods listed above. I hope this article has been helpful, if so drop a comment below and let me know. Until next time, I hope you all have the best day ahead.

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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