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Five Tips I Wish I Knew Before Traveling Abroad for the First Time

5 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Traveling Outside the United States for the First Time

I absolutely LOVE to travel. There’s something about being on a plane or even on the open road that sparks my soul. I am a wanderer by nature and I don’t ever want to change that. However I do wish there were some things I wish I knew before setting off on my adventures abroad. I’m here to share five of those things with you. Let’s dive right into it.

Number One – Download The Apps: Exchange Currency, Whats App & Grab App

There are three apps that will absolutely save your life while traveling abroad. The Currency Exchange App, What’s App and Grab App. Believe it or not – the American Dollar is not accepted everywhere, especially outside of the United States of America. You’ll want to know the currency exchange rate for the USD (United States Dollar) when you travel abroad. This information will save you money in the long run when it comes time to barter for goods and services, (which will later come in handy for tip number two).

Additionally, many places outside the U.S. do not have widespread WIFI. In my travels I’ve found most people use Whats App to communicate when WIFI is not readily available. Whats App is a necessity. It serves as an offline text messaging service when WIFI maybe spotty.

Thirdly, in the United States Lyft and Uber are a way of life for many of us now – overseas that’s not quite the case. To get around you either walk, lightrail/subway, or Grab App. Drivers on Grab App will gladly pick you up anywhere via scooter,  motorbike or car within minutes.

Number Two – Bartering/Negotiating

In the U.S. for the most part, the set price is what it is – overseas Cash Is King. Pretty much everything is negotiable, especially when you have paper money on hand. My best advice, have (a small amount) of money on hand and brush up on your negotiation skills. Paper money is powerful. Exchange your U.S. Dollars for the currency of your country of choice and if you do it right, you can talk yourself into a sweet deal on almost anything. A small note here, established restaurants and brick and mortar businesses may not be willing to budge on their pricing. Bartering and negotiating is mostly successful for street vendors or taxis/transit.

Number Three – Visas

Different countries abroad may have entry requirements – including Visas. A Visa is an official document which allows the bearer to legally enter a foreign country for a set amount of time. Visas can vary on pricing, it depends on the country you’re traveling to. My best advice, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you’re traveling abroad soon, check the visa requirements via iVisa.

Number Four – Vaccinations

This one maybe controversial, however vaccinations could make or break your travel plans. I’m not just talking COVID vaccinations either. Some countries simply will not let you enter their borders without showing proof of the appropriate vaccination records. For example, back in 2018 I traveled to Africa for the first time and Measles and Yellow Fever vaccinations were an absolute must. Upon arrival at the airport in Kenya there was actually a guard at the arrivals gate checking for vaccination cards for proof of the two vaccinations. My best advice, check the vaccination requirements for the country you’re visiting before travel. The good news is, there are travel clinics in nearly every major city in the United States. Passport Health has more than 270 travel clinics across the U.S. If you’re traveling abroad soon, make an appointment and get the vaccinations necessary for entry.

Number Five – Passports

This last one may seem obvious, but hear me out here. Yes we may all know you need a passport to travel abroad. However – little know fact, some countries require you to have a set amount of time left on your passport before entry. 

Personal story time … Back in 2019, at the last minute I realized Thailand required me to have at least six months of time on my passport before it expired in-order to enter the country. To put this in perspective I was taking the trip in June 2019 and my passport wasn’t set to expire until September 2019. I thought I was good to go – WRONG. 

It was a crazy adventure but a couple days days before my Thailand flight  – I had to make a quick drive to Atlanta from Nashville (which was the closest U.S. Passport Processing Hub) to get my passport quickly renewed. It cost me hundreds of dollars, plus hours of my time and stress. I beg of you to learn from my mistake here. Check your travel destinations passport expiration date requirements here. If your passport expires less than six months from your arrival date back to the United States – for the love of God, RENEW IT. If you do find yourself in my situation and need an expedited passport – first say a prayer and know that it’s possible to get an expedited passport. You’ll just have to be willing to visit your nearest United States Passport Hub and part with some precious hard earned cash.

I truly hope these tips help you on your first journey overseas. Bonus Tip: More than anything don’t forget to have fun. Traveling is my greatest joy and I’m so excited for your upcoming journey. Safe Travels! 

2 responses to “Five Tips I Wish I Knew Before Traveling Abroad for the First Time”

  1. Damon B Hill Avatar
    Damon B Hill

    Plz tell me abt that African trip

    1. herewithhara Avatar

      Hi cuz!! I absolutely will. Going to Africa was probably my favorite trip. All start that blog article tomorrow for sure and will let you know when I’m done!

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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