travel & wellness blog

Behind Hara

Meet Janaye

News Producer Turned Massage Therapist

Hello world. I’m Janaye the woman behind Hara.

Back in 2015 I made a life changing decision to quit my corporate job as a News Producer. Ever since then I’ve been on a pursuit of happiness, (cue Kid Cudi lol).

I’m going to be honest, I didn’t always know where I’d land. I simply knew in my gut that my incredibly stressful career as a Journalist and News Producer wasn’t it. 

Bossed up and running things as a News Producer in 2015

Back in my producing days, I always practiced Yoga in an attempt to create some balance in my life. One day it simply hit me like a ton of bricks how happy I was doing Yoga. The peace of mind that I felt during and after spending time on my mat was unmatched. I had to follow that bliss, so I did. I quit news, left Saint Louis for Nashville and started Yoga Teacher Training.

The 30+ amazing souls I completed Yoga Teacher Training with in 2016

Teaching Yoga was absolutely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. I met so many incredible people, some of which are my closest friends till this day. Yoga then served as a stepstone into the world of Massage and Bodywork. Fast forward to present day – I’m now the Lead Massage Therapist at an incredibly busy spa in Nashville. I will be honest, my journey from News Producing to becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist was not easy at all. There were so many bumps along the way but I evolved so much during the process. I even managed squeeze in time to travel the world as I figured things out (major bonus!) I truly love my life now and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Teaching Yoga to hundreds of yogi’s during International Day of Yoga in 2018

My Journey in Photos

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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