travel & wellness blog

What’s in a Name – The Inspiration Behind Hara

My actual notebook scribbles from 2017 – when the name Hara first stuck out to me.

To fully breakdown the inspiration for Hara and its’ purpose we’ll have to travel back in time.

The year – 2017. The place – Nashville, TN and I was studying to become a Massage Therapist.

A big part of my training at Cumberland Institute of Holistic Therapies was to explore all modalities related to the art of Massage Therapy. I remember just like it was yesterday – sitting in Acupressure Class and I heard the word ‘Hara’ for the first time. It was simple, pretty and for some reason, it struck me like a lightening bolt. Immediately afterwards I scribbled Hara down in my notebook just for safe keeping – not really knowing what would become of it in the future.

Fast forward to present day – I’m now a Licensed Massage Therapist and currently the Lead Massage Therapist at an incredibly busy Day Spa in Nashville, TN (thank you very much lol).  I’ve also been busy studying Thai Massage for the past two years and am working to become certified in Thai Massage.

In t-minus 30 days I’m about to embark on an incredible journey to complete my Thai Massage training in Chiang Mai for two entire months. This trip really is the pinnacle of everything I’ve studied and learned about Thai Massage within the last two years.

When speaking of this upcoming journey to friends and family, the common and popular response was (and still is), “wow that sounds incredible” or “I wish I could come with you.”

It’s here where Hara enters front and center. While you may not be able to travel with me personally – my intention behind this site is to take you along my journey to Chiang Mai to learn Thai Massage. When brainstorming names for my site, Hara was simply a no-brainer.  Just as I was inspired by the name Hara, I hope you’re inspired to follow along on my journey.

2 responses to “What’s in a Name – The Inspiration Behind Hara”

  1. Jeremy Williams Avatar
    Jeremy Williams

    Love this, it’s so inspirational. Looking forward to watching your journey

    1. herewithhara Avatar

      OMG! Thanks Jay! Love you xoxoxo

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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