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Yoga is a Lifesaver – At Least for this Licensed Massage Therapist

There are two questions I’m often asked as a Licensed Massage Therapist – ‘Don’t your hands/body hurt, after a long day?’ and ‘What led you to become a Massage Therapist?’ Truthfully the answer to both questions lie in one powerful practice, Yoga.

Before My Life as an LMT – There Was Yoga

The year was 2005. The place, Saint Louis, MO – specifically Webster University. I was studying Broadcast Journalism with the intention to become a News Producer. For the record, I did in-fact graduate and work as a News Producer for many years. Feel free to read all about that chapter of my life here.

In my sophomore year of college I needed an elective for exactly one credit hour. As fate would have it, the only class that fit my schedule was Yoga 101. Yoga was completely foreign to me at this time in my life – but heck I need the credit hour and I felt curious, so I enrolled.

I kid you not, after one class I immediately fell in love. The connection I felt to my body and mind was incredible. Even more so, class was challenging and pushed me in ways that I’d physically never explored before. 

Yoga is a Lifesaver - at Least for this Massage Therapist
My Love of Yoga Started in College
Yoga is a Lifesaver - At Least for this Licensed Massage Therapist
After One Class I Was Obsessed with Yoga

Yoga = A Safe Haven

I continued to practice Yoga post graduation and especially once I landed my first job as a News Producer. TV News is stressful, point blank – period. Yoga literally saved my mental state during this time in my life. I started practicing daily and sometimes even twice a day, every single day of the week. Years passed and I got to a point in my professional career where I wanted to shift gears and quit news, (dramatic, I know) and become a Yoga Teacher.   

I finished 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training at Shakti Power Yoga in Nashville, TN in 2016 with 30+ amazing women. Yoga Teacher Training was an incredible and unforgettable experience. I evolved and grew so much as a person. Unbeknownst to me at the time YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) also laid the foundation for my future career as a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Yoga Teacher Training taught me what Yoga meant on every level: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I graduated Yoga Teacher Training with a solid understanding of how to properly execute physical Yoga poses/asanas and most importantly, how to really take care and heal myself through this powerful practice. 

Here I Grow…Again

I completely dived head first into the world of Yoga post YTT. Before I began teaching, I actually served as an assist in Yoga classes. An assist is a person in a Yoga class who comes around, person by person, mat by mat, to ensure students have proper alignment and offer adjustments while another teacher is leading the class.

I definitely taught tons of Yoga classes back in day, but deep down my passion my assisting. I was assisting every chance I could; in Yoga studio classes, at Yoga festivals – everywhere. My love of assisting ultimately led me to massage therapy school.

A dear friend of mine, Keri Newman (who was also on the assist team and completed YTT with me) started massage therapy school before I did and thought I’d be a perfect fit. Long story short, she was right.  

Yoga is a Lifesaver - at Least for this Massage Therapist
I Absolutely Loved Assisting Yoga Classes. It’s Where the Idea of Becoming a Massage Therapist Took Hold
Yoga is a Lifesaver - at Least for this Massage Therapist
Totally in My Element – Assisting Yoga Classes

Introducing Me – an LMT

I graduated from Cumberland Institute of Holistic Therapies in 2019 and started working as a Licensed Massage Therapist quickly after. I won’t lie – working as an LMT is strenuous and can take a toll on the body. There are some days where I’ve been sore and tired. However thanks to my yoga practice and because it’s been ingrained in me to practice daily, the days that I am sore and achy are few and far in-between. Even on the days where I’m not feeling 100%, I’ve learned how to get on my Yoga mat and practice in a way that restores my body from whatever physical ailments may arise. 

Yoga is a Lifesaver - at Least for this Massage Therapist
Yoga Teacher and Licensed Massage Therapist a.k.a ME
Yoga is a Lifesaver - at Least for this Massage Therapist
My Current Love Thai Massage, Combines both Yoga & Massage

These days I’ve begun practicing and studying Thai Massage – which is a combination of my two loves: Yoga and Massage. Looking back it’s been quite the journey to arrive where I am now both personally and professionally. Honestly I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m beyond grateful for the powerful practice of Yoga for laying the foundation for my massage career and for ultimately being the source of so much healing in my life. 

If you’re on the fence about starting a Yoga practice, my best advice is to try it; just at least once. YouTube is an amazing place to start in my humble opinion. One of my favorite practitioners is Yoga with Adriene. Her YouTube channel features so many approachable and beginner-friendly classes that you can complete right at home. I truly hope this post encourages you on your Yoga journey and if so drop a comment below and let me know. Until the next time – happy reading! (and practicing).   

The Face Behind Hara

Janaye here! The woman behind Hara. I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist – currently living in Nashville, TN. There are two things I’m absolutely passionate about: bodywork/massage and traveling the world. This blog is a collection of all those things. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the web. Happy Reading!

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